Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sky Is Not the Limit. free essay sample

According to the dictionary happiness means â€Å"possessing or enjoying pleasure or good†. . As the great Aristotle said, â€Å"Happiness depends upon ourselves. †People can feel many types of happiness in many different ways. People find happiness in themselves, others, and materialist things. Everyone expresses their happiness in different ways and actions. Being happy with yourself is the most important of the three. Being happy with yourself varies with each person. Some people measure their happiness on how successful they are, or how much they have accomplished. Others become happy with themselves by just helping others and giving back. Helping people in need, or giving food to the poor can make a person feel better about themselves which then makes them happier with themselves. While making yourself happy by helping others, makes you happy for them. Sometimes it is easier to be happier for others than ourselves. When your co-worker announces that she is pregnant, you are initial reaction is to be happy for her. We will write a custom essay sample on Sky Is Not the Limit. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Or if your friend gets into a good college you want to celebrate because you feel happiness for her and want to share it. But its not always easy being happy for others either. It sometimes can turn into envy towards that other person. You are happy for you friend who got into such a good college but that is where you applied also and didn’t get accepted. People try to convince themselves to be happy and happy for others. It is hard to be happy for others when you aren’t even happy with yourself. Another type of happiness comes from materialistic things. People get so caught up in buying their happiness. They go out and buy five million dollar homes and BMW’s to go in their driveways to make themselves happy. Now there is nothing wrong with splurging to pick up your spirits but like everyone says you can’t buy happiness. Other materialistic things that make us happy would be the idealistic thought of

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